Claire Bordy dives as deep into her work and interactions with colleagues worldwide as she does under the clearest waters around the globe.

Claire Bordy joined Archroma in 2017 as Business Development Manager for Paper Dyes, bringing with her more than 15 years’ worth of knowledge in the paper industry in chemicals sales and coloration.”

The international nature of Archroma means that Claire faces the challenge of how best to work with customers and sales teams from all around the world. But it’s not just a challenge, she says: this is also “probably the most interesting” task that she faces – especially as it gives her the chance to be in contact with so many different cultures.

Closer to home, her own team’s differences in personalities and experiences are another positive aspect of her work, she says: “the differences are inspiring and a good source of ideas.”

Normality is a paved road. It's comfortable to walk but no flowers grow on It"

Outside of the office, one passion of Claire’s is diving. Going underwater, she says, “is like discovering a new world. Each dive is a break from normal life, a deep breath into a quiet and ‘silent’ world, which refreshes me.”

Claire has dived deep into her work at Archroma, too, and is working toward a cause she believes in. “I’m proud to work in a company whose vision focuses on our industry becoming more sustainable.”