赖纳赫,瑞士 – 2016年9月7日 – 色彩及特种化学品领域的全球领先企业昂高 (Archroma) 今日宣布,其新加坡子公司被授予 “亚洲最佳雇主品牌奖”,该奖项由雇主品牌协会 (Employer Branding Institute)、世界人力资源开发大会 (World HRD Congress) 和产业之星集团 (Stars of the Industry Group) 联合颁发,并由 CHRO Asia 担任战略合作伙伴,亚洲商业联盟 (Asian Confederation of Businesses) 给予认可。

颁奖仪式于 2016 年 8 月 4 日在新加坡举办,来自于全球 200 位企业高层领导参加了该仪式。

“亚洲最佳雇主品牌奖” 旨在表彰在创建雇主品牌方面表现卓越的亚洲企业。通过人力资源领域的最佳实践、政策和战略,昂高打造了显著的品牌特色而获此殊荣。

昂高亚洲人力资源及全球人才与组织发展负责人 Ravi Bhogaraju 表示:“我们感到十分自豪。昂高是一个相对较新的品牌,在成立至今尚不足三年的时间里,我们将公司打造成为了亚洲同行业最受追捧的雇主之一。公司员工知道如何让工作充满意义,并且不断挑战现状,因为他们深信,我们能够实现行业的可持续发展。公司鼓励他们以主人翁的精神努力推动昂高在行业和市场上的成功发展。”

Media Relations

Marilyn Chua



Notes For Editors

About Archroma

Archroma is a global, diversified provider of specialty chemicals serving the branded and performance textiles, packaging and paper, and coatings, adhesives and sealants markets.

Headquartered in Pratteln, Switzerland, Archroma operates with more than 4,500 employees located in 42 countries and with over 30 production sites.

Archroma is passionate about delivering leading and innovative solutions, enhancing people’s lives and respecting the planet. The company is committed to the principles of "The Archroma Way to a Sustainable World: Safe, Efficient, Enhanced. It's our nature!"; an approach reflected in its innovations, world-class quality standards, high service levels and cost-efficiency.
