Process chemicals

By combining our focused product range with the application services of our paper experts around the globe, we aim to improve the production processes for our clients.Papermakers using recycled paper ...

[PRESS RELEASE] Archroma launches Leucophor® AFCN, a new FDA-approved OBA aimed for food contact, high-whiteness packaging and paper

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, today announced the introduction of a new optical brightening agent (OBA) specially designed for food packagin...

Archroma Turkey

ARCHROMATURKEY KİMYA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİGebze Organize Sanayi Bölgesi İhsan Dede Cad. No:124/4 Gebze/KOCAELİTelefon: (0262) 672 1212Faks: (0262) 751 4135Ticaret Sicil Müdürlüğü ve No: Ge...

Archroma Germany

Archroma ist ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen der Farb- und Spezialchemie mit Hauptsitz in Pratteln bei Basel, Schweiz. Das Unternehmen beschäftigt rund 3 000 Mitarbeiter in mehr als 35 Ländern und ...

[PRESS RELEASE] Carlin x Archroma collaboration at Premiere Vision Paris with shared booth and sneak preview at FW 2021 color trends

Reinach, Switzerland, 31 January 2019 - Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, and Carlin, the trend office who pioneered trend forecasting back in 1...

Collaboration Carlin x Archroma et apercu des tendances couleurs automne-hiver 2021 en avant-premiere à Premiere Vision Parisà-premiere-vision-paris

Reinach, Suisse, le 31 janvier 2019 - Archroma, un leader mondial des produits chimiques de spécialité et de la couleur vers des solutions durables, et Carlin, pionnier de l’anticipation de tendances ...

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