[PRESS RELEASE] Archroma launches its new ‘Color Atlas’ for polyester to turn inspiration into a collection in just a few clicks


Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, today announces the launch of its new Color Atlas by Archroma® Polyester Library, with 1’440 colors for sportswear, athl...

[PRESS RELEASE] Datacolor and Archroma partner to make the Archroma ‘Color Atlas’ library system available for color searching within ‘Datacolor TOOLS’ color quality control application


Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, today announced that the soon-to-be 5’760 color references of its Color Atlas library are made available within its ‘Dat...

Can paper replace plastic? The straw case


There is a reason why plastic straws are so popular: they are flexible, light, generally safe for the user. However, plastic straws are increasingly under scrutiny, just like all other single-use plas...

Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics 2021


Archroma will exhibit (for the first time!) at the Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics. Come find us in hall 1.2 at booth # A70! ...

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