A Archroma recebeu a Medalha de Platina EcoVadis por seu desempenho em RSC, juntando-se às 1% das empresas mais bem avaliadas


A Archroma, líder global em especialidades químicas para soluções sustentáveis, anunciou hoje que recebeu a classificação EcoVadis “Platinum” em responsabilidade social corporativa (CSR), colocando a ...

昂高荣获 EcoVadis 白金奖章,跻身前 1% 最佳评级公司行列


昂高,作为一家提供可持续解决方案的特种化学品领域全球领导者,今日郑重宣布其在企业社会责任 (CSR) 方面被 EcoVadis 授予“白金级”评级,这份高度荣誉是EcoVadis对特种化学品领域排名前1%的公司进行企业社会责任表现评估后所授予的。...

Archroma Chile celebrates 7 years without any lost time accident


On the 28th of October 2021 Archroma Chile achieved another milestone in safety, reaching 7 years without any Lost Time Accident. Thanks to the team for the strong commitment, and for putting the prio...

A profile of Thu Huong


Thu Huong likes to take up challenges as an opportunity to explore her own limits and find ways to overcome them....

A profile of Umberto Devita


As Global Indigo Manager, Umberto Devita faces challenges with passion and hard work, which he believes ultimately helps him and his team obtain a recognition as denim experts in the fashion industry....

New Archroma Whistleblowing Portal


Archroma is a company built on strong values as foundation in everything we do! There is no other way for us to do business than acting with integrity and in strict compliance with the law. You can f...

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